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Lilac Players Code of Conduct




This code of conduct applies to all actors, crew, musicians, accompanists, and production staff in any Lilac Players production or associated with any Lilac Players event, as well as any board members or committee members who do not fall into those categories. We believe that all human beings deserve this level of respect.  To the degree that we are able, our goal is also for this code of conduct to apply to interactions between audience members and members of the Lilac Players.




  • Contribute to being an open and inclusive community that welcomes diversity

  • Assume positive intent; begin discussions/disputes from a non-confrontational standpoint and allow others to express their viewpoints without assuming the worst

  • Don’t assign your own values to others; we all come from different backgrounds and have different experiences. Be open to learning about other people’s.

  • Promote “ask” culture; feel empowered to ask for and provide clarification when you need support. Communicate proactively about any needs or concerns.

  • Don’t participate in bullying, ostracizing, or “clique” behavior

  • Do not tolerate or participate in harassment (including physical, verbal, or sexual)

  • Do not tolerate or participate in discrimination (up to and including on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or national origin)

  • Use people’s correct pronouns; We recognize that everyone slips up, but we expect everyone’s best effort and commitment to treating others decently




  • Treat all of your fellow artists with respect, including their time

  • Adhere to any show-specific requirements and expectations

  • Try your hardest; do your best to fulfill your assigned role and put in the effort necessary

  • Be positive and supportive of others; don’t tear down others’ work

  • Respect any show materials (costumes, props, scripts, etc.)

  • Respect the rehearsal and performance space; as a community theater, our ongoing good relationships with venues are crucial to our survival

  • Respect other people’s time

  • Keep your commitments and communicate proactively if you have any challenges with this



If you witness or experience any type of discrimination or harassment, or other breach of the code of conduct, these are your options:


  • Address the problem with the person in the moment in a productive way, if you feel comfortable

  • Address the problem with the production-specific ombudsperson, either in person or via email

  • Report the problem to our Conduct Committee via the online form; there is an option to report anonymously or provide contact information. If the concern comes up between productions or in a production that doesn’t have an ombudsperson, this is the option you should use.


What happens in the case of a breach of this code of conduct:


  • If you report to the ombudsperson, they will work with you to determine the correct next steps. This might include mediation between you and the other person, escalation to the Conduct Committee, or other steps.

  • If you report to the Conduct Committee, they will meet internally to review your report and determine the correct next steps, which may include reaching out to you for additional information, mediation, monitoring of the situation, etc. If a more serious consequence is required, the Conduct Committee will make that determination and communicate it to the appropriate parties. If you provide contact information, you will hear back about next steps regardless of the determination.

  • We strive to resolve breaches of the code of conduct through discussion and mediation. However, serious or continued breaches may result in outcomes up to and including being asked to leave a production or being barred from participation in future Lilac Players events or activities.

  • Please note that if you do choose to report the problem anonymously, there may be limits around what action the Conduct Committee is able to take, as their ability to gather information may be limited. We do, however, encourage you to report anonymously if that’s how you feel most comfortable.

The Lilac Players, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.

©2022 by The Lilac Players, Inc. Proudly created with

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